Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background

The background section defines the problem addressed by the research and its impact on the U.S. Army. It cites related previous studies and explains why the current research is necessary. It also may present other background information that provides essential context for the reader. Examples include the following:

  • controlling regulations or legal requirements
  • prospective users of the report or the technology.

hi-res terrain opportunity, but not enough tools historic field survey versus geomorphometric automated methods The purpose of regional curves and why they are important for rapid watershed assessment

vison for what the analysis can be used to accomplish

1.2 Objective

The objective is a concise statement of what the research is intended to accomplish.


  • Provide a USACE Planning method for rapid watershed assessments
  • Develop rapid watershed assessment tools using high resolution terrain data and existing fluvial geomorphic principles
  • Develop a USACE Ecological Planning model based on rapid watershed assessment metrics to define restoration and mitigation benefits


  • Develop a suite of planning analysis tools to rapidly assess and identify sediment sources, pathways, and sinks for watershed analysis.
  • Use existing geomorphic principles to develop metrics for analyzing LiDAR-derived channel, floodplain, valley, and watershed characteristics.
  • Develop an approach to relate channel, floodplain, valley, and watershed characteristics to Ecosystem Restoration (ER) habitat evaluation and benefits.

1.3 Approach

The approach section explains the research methodology. If the methodology is complex or otherwise warrants a chapter of its own, the approach section may simply cross-reference the reader to the appropriate chapter.